Friday, December 19, 2014

No More Holiday Cookies

My parents have this tradition. Around the holidays, we’d always make cookies and drive around to family, friends, and neighbors to deliver them. I hated it. I was little and bored and tired of being dragged from house to house.

But guess what! Now, I want to do the very same thing! I want to take cookies to all my friends and wish them “Happy Holidays.” I want those 5 minutes at each house to catch up with everyone I care about before I dive back into the world ‘o crazy that is this time of year.

There’s just one small problem…my baking skills are very much lacking. I already did the cookie baking thing this year. I forgot the sugar in one batch. (I still don’t know how I did that!!) I messed up the dough in another. I even ruined a box of brownie mix. (High altitude instructions haunt me.)

It’s time to change my approach. I’ve decided I’m taking Winger’s Original Amazing Sauce to my friends.

First, I don’t have to bake with it. Trust me, I’m much better at making chicken (or ordering it!) than I am with cookies. Plus, there are all sorts of things to put it on! Winger’s uses it on burgers, meatloaf, ribs, and pulled pork. It’s even good to dip your fries into.

Cookies may be tradition, but I’d rather go with something amazing. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Holiday Giving: The Winger's Edition

I always finish my meals. Strike that, I almost always finish my meals. I will admit that, every now and then, I encounter a meal way too big for just me. When that happens, I try to control my eating urges and take part of that meal home. But the food doesn't always reheat well, and I start to feel guilty. Visions of my grandma float through my head telling me I have to finish everything because there are starving people in the world. It gets messy. What do you do when that's doubled, tripled, or quadrupled?

We here at Winger's donate. That's exactly what we did last night.

We were catering a holiday party in Downtown Salt Lake City, UT when it became apparent we were going to have a ton of food left over. (A ton's probably an exaggeration, but let's go with it.) There was so much food that we fed everyone at the party, the venue staff, and ourselves with plenty to spare.

The Winger's Catering Team at last night's party.
That's when our executives made a couple phone calls to see if anyone could take the food. Enter The Road Home, a Utah organization assisting families and individuals who are homeless. We were thrilled they answered our call at 8:30 PM and even more thrilled to donate the rest of the meal to them. A couple hundred chicken wings should never go to waste.

We'd like to thank The Road Home for accepting our spur-of-the-moment donation.